The older someone gets, the more likely that person is to get into an auto accident. The elderly are plagued by a variety of problems on the road, including, but not limited to: vision issues; reduced reaction time; and difficulty judging distances.

Vision Problems
Of course, as everyone knows, it can be extremely difficult for the elderly to be able to check their mirrors if they have vision issues. It might be more difficult for a senior to turn his or her head around in order to see if it is okay to change lanes, for example. Vision problems can crop up at any time. It has been proven, also, that people who drink several cups of coffee per day have a higher rate of vision loss. It’s not certain what causes this, but the elderly might be at risk here, especially if they are avid coffee drinkers.

Reduced Reaction Time
Elderly people can also have reduced reaction times. When a driver needs to make a split-second decision, it must be an executive decision that requires immediate action. The driver cannot have a moment’s hesitation in some cases. This is what could potentially cause a serious accident, due to poor choices that an elderly driver may make.

Difficulty Judging Distances
The elderly generally might have more difficulty judging distances since their perspective might change over time. Going back to the point about vision problems, the peripheral vision of the elderly might be significantly impaired due to old age. Of course, this would definitely impact someone’s ability to correctly judge distances. This is yet another problematic issue for elderly drivers.

The elderly have many issues that can potentially cause car accidents. They have vision problems, slower reaction times, and in some cases have difficulty judging distances. In the case that you’d like to contact an injury attorney Ohio is a great place to start. If you’re looking for a great attorney Ohio personal injury lawyers may indeed be able to help you with issues that do involve elderly drivers.